Thursday, July 2, 2015

Coffee at Cafe Ambroisie- Kormangala, Bangalore

Coffee at Cafe Ambroisie- Kormangala, Bangalore

There are many things that go into a coffee. A perfect blend of coffee is like an amazing relationship. One or many of these are used to make a cup of coffee, Arabica seeds, Robusta seeds and chicory.

Does your coffee leave a bitter taste? Your coffee could contain large amount of Robusta or chicory.

Why is Robusta added to coffee mix ? It gives a strong full-bodied coffee and hence is added to Arabica at times to improve the strength of coffee. However, Robusta adds bitterness to coffee
Chicory is a caffeine - free herb .When roasted chicory gives a flavor similar to coffee. This is used as an additive in small quantities with coffee.

Arabica seeds give a richer nutty flavour and is considered to be superior beans
Robusta is added in small quantities in espresso blends.

Cafe Ambroisie uses a special mix of coffee grains in their espresso. The espresso mix consists mainly of plantation A seeds , Arabica eliminating the bitter taste of coffee . The coffee in this cafe leaves a nutty flavour.

Chicory is used in small quantity along with plantation A seeds in Cafe Ambroisie's filter coffee mix . As a result , the filter coffee is strong , rich and not bitter.At Café Ambroisie , to maintain the authenticity of the drink, filter coffee is served in brass cups.

There are many varieties of coffee available at Café Ambroisie